You might have seen it as soon as you walk through the doors of your favorite supermarket or supplement store. It’s called collagen. Collagen is the main structural protein made up of amino acids (glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine) found in skin, blood, muscles, bones, cartilage and ligaments. It is a substance that occurs naturally in the bodies of people and animals and is often put into creams and other products to make a person’s skin smoother and less wrinkled. It also helps give hair more shine, helps nails stay strong, makes the skin glow and helps with gut health.
Collagen also helps hold together the bones and muscles and protects the organs. Collagen production decreases as we get older and put more stress on our bodies. This can result in the skin becoming more fragile and less elastic. The joints become less flexible, bones may lose density and the hair starts losing its color.
Collagen protein differs from whey and casein protein because of the high levels of amino acids. It makes up to 30% of the protein in the body and 70% of the protein within the skin helping it to stay toned and supple.
There are certain lifestyle habits that can inhibit collagen production such as: smoking, sun exposure and an unhealthy diet.
Here are five reasons why we need collagen:
1)      May ease joint pain-as we age. We may start to feel stiff and achy joints. Adding collagen to our diet may help reduce joint pain.
2)      It may reverse skin aging-this occurs by providing elasticity to the skin.
3)      Helps build muscle and burn fat-collagen is a major component of muscle tissue and can have a big impact when building muscle mass.
4)      It may improve digestive health-collagen may help support and strengthen the protective lining of the digestive tract.
5)      Collagen may reduce cellulite-by improving the appearance of stubborn cellulite
Here’s how to add it to your diet.

1. You can substitute with hydrolyzed collagen peptides which means that the amino acids in collagen have been broken down, so they’re more easily digested and absorbed.

2. Lastly, it is safe to take a minimum range of 10-15 grams of collagen daily.

The bottom line is if you want to get in your daily dose of collagen naturally, eat a well-balanced diet, high protein diet that includes animal products such as beef, chicken, fish and egg whites.