The theme for 2020 was clearer vision. That’s what the pastor preached about at my Grandmother’s home going last January. Like many of you, I was focused on what I wanted and needed to do in 2020. I had a list of goals and things that I wanted to focus on for the year. I will admit my biggest motivator was to make my Grandmother proud.
When Covid hit needless to say, it threw us all for a loop. It threw a wrench into our plans and slowed down momentum. When this happened I still focused on my goals but had to be patient in terms of making them a reality. The blessing in all of this is that it forced me to dive even deeper into ideas and dreams that I had written down years ago and decided to pursue that was still aligned with my vision and my brand. For me that was the silver lining. 
For me the vision is even clearer for 2021. I am excited and moving full steam ahead! The bottom line is that even though we may have been a bit sidetracked don’t give up on your vision or your dream. This is your year to make it a reality. I truly believe that 2021 is the year of great things to come!